1057 s san pedro
Los Angeles, California 90015

LA ArtLab presents LANGUAGE., a group art show featuring a three-room visual “library,” featuring original artwork based on the theme of language.

Sixteen innovative artists (some established, some emerging) from within the LA ArtLab collective present individual works that explore, display and question language in its many forms. Presented works include mixed media, painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video, digital media and performance. Some of the show’s works explore the relationship between written text and image. Other works present puns or plays on words, or examine the metaphor. Each participating artist communicates something unique in relation to the show’s concept.

Participating artists: Florence Canicave, Marina DeBris, Terry Lee Dill, Nicole Greenberg, Susan Harris, Sari Hatma, Mark Hennessey, Diana Hobstetter, Barbara Kosoff, Jaw Lee, Jason Madsen, Audri Phillips, Aixa Salazar, Sharron Shayne, Jacqueline Truong, Jill Vacarra

Certain artworks will be for sale to the public at the discretion of the artists. A portion of art sale proceeds and 100% of event donations will benefit The Wonder of Reading, a Los Angeles-based organization devoted to children’s literacy and the refurbishing of elementary school libraries.

LANGUAGE. will be on display to the public during opening and closing events on Saturday, February 19th and Saturday, February 26th.. Additional viewings can be arranged between February 20-25th by appointment.

Added by LA ArtLab on January 30, 2011

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