Europa Congress Center
Budapest, Budapest

The support of environmentally sound land management that is adapted to the site-specific ecological conditions is a priority area in the agricultural and rural development policy of the European Union.

Although land is an indispensable economic resource and an essential element in the ecological system, so far there is no comprehensive information on land quality in Europe.

However, the efficiency of agricultural and rural development policies as well as land-related environmental programs can be enhanced considerably if decisions are based on the analysis of land quality.

In order to optimize the utilisation of production potential and environmental services of agriculture and to enhance the competitiveness of European farms, new information on soil resources and land quality and novel approaches of land information management are needed.

The conference is organized to facilitate the exchange of information and views among stakeholders involved in land management, land resources research and land use policy planning. As services based on land information show a rapidly growing trend within the service sector, the views of service providers (insurance companies, land banks, advisory companies etc.) are also considered.

Exchange of experiences on the conference can contribute to an enhanced understanding on the role of land quality in rural systems and to progress the development of land information, land registries, land use planning and related services based on land quality on different levels; from farm to continental scales in Europe.


I. Environmental and production aspects of land in EU policies

- food production

- land eco-services

- marginal lands and degradation

II. Land quality in the European Union

- existing knowledge and current projects

(European Land Evaluation Initiative; Areas with Natural Handicaps; LUCAS-Soil survey)

III. Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection of the EU / Proposal for an EU directive on Soil protection

IV. Scientific basis of land evaluation

- land evaluation methodologies

- status of the FAO Framework of Land Evaluation

- system approach and integrated land quality assessment

V. Land use data management


- land quality and cadastral maps

- farming data

- the role of land quality and management of land quality information in land registries

VI. The role of land quality in the activities of agricultural enterprises

- financial credibility

- agricultural insurances

VII. Land management planning

VIII. Economic land evaluation

IX. Land quality evaluation of non-cropland land utilization types

X. Global issues and European land

- climate, biodiversity, desertification

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Added by on December 9, 2010