76 Fort Eddy Rd
Concord, New Hampshire 03301

WHO: John Makransky is a professor of Buddhism and Comparative Theology at Boston College and a teacher in the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

WHAT: Lama John Makransky discusses signs his book “Awakening Through Love: Unveiling Your Deepest Goodness.”

WHEN: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 7:00 PM

WHERE: Borders at 76 Fort Eddy Rd., 603-224-1255

WHY: Fans have the opportunity to personally meet Makransky and participate in an active discussion on topics from “Awakening Through Love.” Borders is excited to welcome Makransky to the Concord store.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In “Awakening Through Love,” Lama John pioneers new ways of making Tibetan meditations of compassion and wisdom accessible to people of all backgrounds and faiths. Drawing from Tibetan teachings of compassion and the Dzogchen teachings of innate wisdom, and using plain, practical instruction, he helps readers uncover the unity of wisdom and love in the very nature of their minds. Then Lama John describes how to actualize those qualities in every aspect of family life, work, service and social action.

Official Website: http://www.bordersstores.com/events/event_detail.jsp?SEID=180113

Added by hmorse on September 13, 2007

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