5 Shuter Street
Toronto, Ontario

This Tuesday we have with us a very special guest Narayani devi dasi, who joins us from India, and has been practicing Bhakti yoga (meditation, kirtan, devotion) for approximately 40 years and conducts seminars all over the world, helping others explore the science of soul. Having studied numerous yoga texts, including the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam, she is highly respected and sought after Vedic teacher in International community and a teacher in the Vrndavana Institute for Higher Education as well as the Mayapur Institute for Higher Education in India.

If you want to gain real control over your destiny, you must understand reincarnation and how it works. It's that simple. No one wants to die. Most of us would like to live forever in full vigor, without wrinkles, gray hair, or arthritis. This is natural, because the first and most basic principle of life is to enjoy. If we could only enjoy life forever!
Man's eternal quest for immortality is so fundamental that we find it nearly impossible to conceive of dying. Some say that death is the end of everything. Some believe in heaven and hell. Still others hold that this life is only one of many we have lived and will live in the future. And more than one third of the world's population-over 1.5 billion people-accept reincarnation as an irrevocable fact of life.
Come find out more about the secrets of the soul's secret journey around the Universe from Her Grace Narayani Devi Dasi.

Join us for mantra meditation, spiritual discussion and vegan feast with Narayani Devi Dasi.

Official Website: http://www.UrbanEdgeyoga..com

Added by urbanedgeyoga on July 10, 2009

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