4240 W Camelback Rd
Phoenix, Arizona 85019

Come join the fun at "XTREME PURSUIT" -Westworld Paintball's indoor arena, for Friday nights filled with fun. It's Ladies Night and the hottest women in the Valley turn out to take on the men for 4 hours of the best paintball anywhere in Arizona. If you're tired of movies, pizza and a handshake and want something new and exciting to do, then Westworld Paintball has your answer. See you on the field!

Xtreme Pursuit: (Camelback & 43rd Ave, NE corner)
Open to the public; Thur & Fri 3pm - 10pm; Sat & Sun 12noon - 8pm

Official Website: http://www.westworldpaintball.com

Added by Howard in Phx on March 26, 2009



I've been to this ladies night. The girls are HOT!!! And these girls are serious players! They beat us a couple of games but, my team will get them this Friday. What a great time!


OMG! Westworld is so awesome! My girls and I love to go down there and kick the guys ass!


Ladies night is great! My boyfriend took me on a date there to try something new. I really loved it. Next time its girls night! Leave the boys at home.


Went to Xtreme Pursuit just last weekend for Ladies Night with some girlfriends of mine and we had a blast. It was a great girls night and we are already planing our next trip out.


I'll be there! Guys you better look out! My aim is awesome!

Perfect Shot

Xtreme Pursuit is great for a quick game of paintball. It's close and cheap. The field is excellent and they actually have "rules". I hate going to a field where it's a free for all. Refs here know their stuff. Westworld Paintball rocks!


Xtreme Pursuit is Arizona's anus of paintball fields. Cheap ass paint, horrible customer service and the field looks like 3 retards with cerebral palsy designed it. Hey, (perfect shot) the refs know their stuff huh? Seriously? How hard is it to call someone out when paint hits them anywhere on their body? It doesn't take a rocket scientist. Next time you see one of the refs ask them for their APPA ID number...ha ha ha Oh wait, they don't play national events thats right. They just hang around an indoor field pretending like they know what their talking about. (Shadow) if you think that paintball girls are hot, then I feel sorry for you because you must be one ugly ass kid, everyone knows that paintball girls look more like the trolls off Lord of The Rings and if your so called "team" got beat by a buch of girls then just give your paintball gear away and shoot yourself in the face.