180 Breunig Road
New Windsor, New York 12553

Ladies get your girlfriends and come out for an exciting evening
which will include a Fashion Show by STYLE COUNSEL Boutique of Warwick, NY, music from a Live Band, pole dance & belly dance demo from local dance studio, great raffle prizes, mini spa treatments, swag bags, shopping opportunities, demos and product sampling with local merchants which include but not limited to,
AVON, Shernette Broomfiled, Independent Representative
Partylite, Jan Stock, Independent Representative
Tastefully Simple, Carol Schoonmaker, Independent Representative
Premiere Design Jewelry, Deborah Laubach, Independent Distributor
Dove Chocolate Discoveries, Suzanne Quillen, Independent Chocolatier
Ardyss--BODY MAGIC, Gloria Washington-Mines, Independent Distributor
REEL Massage, Leslie Reel, Licensed Massage Therapist
**GENMARK, Bring your unwanted gold for CA$H! Phil Berardi, Gold Buyer Representative**
Admission $5 + new toy for Safe Homes & Breast Cancer Options

Added by MrzPassion on November 23, 2010

Interested 1