A monthly walk on a Chartes-style labyrinth inlaid in the hardwood floor of Kempton Hall. Begin your walk when you want and walk at your own pace, sharing the labyrinth in silence with other walkers.
There is only one path into the labyrinth and the same path back out - it's not a puzzle to solve but a way to gently move your body, quiet your mind, and connect with your deeper self. Walks are not religious or dogmatic; it's just you, your feet, and the labyrinth.
Trinity Labyrinth is also open most Mondays from 11am-1pm for unhosted walks. You are welcome to come and walk, but we usually aren't there to set up or play meditative music. A good time for a quiet break.
Free, but donations gratefully accepted.
Added by Paul Bingman on January 26, 2009