1010 Houston St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Kyrie Eleison (Greek for “Lord have mercy”) is a very old, even pre-Christian, expression used constantly in all Christian liturgies.

The prayer is simultaneously a petition and a prayer of thanksgiving; an acknowledgment of what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will continue to do.

The Kyrie can either be spoken or sung; can stand on its own, or be incorporated into other parts of the service such as prayers or the litany, and is a beautiful corporate way of us all both praising and petitioning God together. We intend to include a Kyrie somehow in each gathering, but also consider the gathering to be one large Kyrie in itself — focusing highly on music, and the theme of Kyrie running throughout all that we do.

Kyrie is held Sunday nights at 5PM, is ALL AGES, and there is no cover.

So teenagers, Kyrie is all ages. You can’t drink but you are still welcome to come enjoy the music, message and have a Coke or something.


Added by Estefani Flores on March 19, 2012

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