1010 Houston St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Kyrie Eleison (Greek for “Lord have mercy”) is a very old, even pre-Christian, expression used constantly in all Christian liturgies.

The prayer is simultaneously a petition and a prayer of thanksgiving; an acknowledgment of what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will continue to do.

The Kyrie can either be spoken or sung; can stand on its own, or be incorporated into other parts of the service such as prayers or the litany, and is a beautiful corporate way of us all both praising and petitioning God together. We intend to include a Kyrie somehow in each gathering, but also consider the gathering to be one large Kyrie in itself — focusing highly on music, and the theme of Kyrie running throughout all that we do.

Show Starts 5pm


Added by Estefani Flores on February 2, 2012

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