2525 Mandela Parkway
Oakland, California 94607

Kinetic Steam Works’ annual Roll Out event is coming up! Saturday, November 12th, from Noon to 10PM, come celebrate this autumnal steamy spectacular with us. There will be plenty of cottony cloud soft steam, food, beer/wine, a silent auction, mechanical entertainments mammoth and bijou, craft vendors, and a magnificent musical lineup
including Lord Loves A Working Man, Beso Negro, Sour Mash Hug Band, Shovelman and others. Kinetic art and attractions include several wood fired steam engines including all 9-tons of “Hortense,” KSW’s lovingly restored 1923 traction engine, the Pumpkin Guillotine returns, steam powered abominable snow cones, Jon Sarriugarte’s “Serpent Twins,” Justin Gray’s jet-turbine powered “Robot Charlie,” and much more. We invite you to come on down and celebrate, you’ll be supporting Kinetic Steam Works, a unique nonprofit organization.

Kinetic Steam Works (KSW) is a Bay Area based educational arts organization working to preserve and promote steam powered heritage, artifacts, and technologies. We are dedicated to exploring and repurposing the artifacts of clockwork modernity. We are a group of fabricators, engineers, artists and steam enthusiasts curious about what came before the advent of petroleum power, electronics, and the automobile culture. We teach the skills and knowledge needed for steam engine restoration and operation. We produce artistic performances that utilize steam engines and steam technologies. KSW has performed at numerous events including Coachella, The Maker Faire, Burning Man, The Crucible’s Fire Arts Festival, The Edwardian Ball and many others. KSW has been featured by the New York Times, WIRED, the Discovery Channel’s Modern Marvels, KQED’s QUEST, Popular Mechanics, Current TV and others. Kinetic Steam Works is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Added by Anna Quinones on October 12, 2011