305 W Main St
Arlington, Texas 76010

Trich Zaitoon and Todd Hart take the stage at Theatre Arlington under the direction of B.J. Cleveland in KRINGLE'S WINDOW. Penned by the playwright responsible for the award-winning show, Children of a Lesser God, Kringle's Window centers around two sisters in the midst of family strife. In desperate need of hope and affirmation that life is still good, they are visited by a mysterious guest, played by Fort Worth favorite Trich Zaitoon, who takes them on a magical journey through cyber-space to discover if Santa Claus really does exist. Joining Zaitoon onstage is Theatre Arlington's Executive Producer Todd Hart, who plays the father in this contemporary twist on a classic Christmas question. The timely, more modern feel of the script is one of the reasons it was selected as the holiday show for the 2009-2010 season. Cleveland always looks for a new work with a fresh story that still resonates with hope and Christmas spirit. He is excited to direct Kringle's Window and introduce to the community a new story filled with good old-fashioned holiday warmth. "The Christmas show has always been Theatre Arlington's gift back to the community. It's a Hallmark card with even more heart," says Cleveland. Tickets: $17 for adults, $12 for children 11 and under. 20% discount for groups of ten or more. To purchase tickets click here or call 817.275.7661.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 1, 2009