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The weigh-ins for the Wladimir Klitschko vs. Jean Marc Mormeck heavyweight title fight were held today in Dusseldorf, Germany. The fight will be broadcast live in the United States on Saturday afternoon on EPIX, marking the third consecutive weekend that the channel has showcased a heavyweight championship fight. Right here, you can find the Klitschko vs. Mormeck weigh-in results, including their official weights on the scales, and some photos from the events as well. Check it out.

Klitschko vs Mormeck live stream online







Klitschko vs. Mormeck Weights

Wladimir Klitschko: 244.75 lbs
Jean Marc Mormeck: 216 lbs

So Wlad Klitschko will be entering the fight with nearly a 30 lb weight advantage over Mormeck, a former cruiserweight titleholder. As you can see from the photos above as well, Klitschko towers over him. Combine those with the fact that Mormeck has done extremely little in the heavyweight division, or at all with his career, over the past five years, and this has all the makings of a very one-sided fight.

Therefore, it will be up to Klitschko to try to really put on a show and make a good effort, and he'll likely be seeking a resounding, concussive ending. We'll see how it plays out tomorrow though, thanks for checking out our Klitschko-Mormeck weigh-in coverage.

Added by Morgan Peter on March 3, 2012

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