3180 18th Street, Suite 201
San Francisco, California 94103

Calling all Kiva-friendly developers and designers... We're getting together on Saturday, June 6th starting at 1pm for a developer garage to collaborate on each other's applications.

Kiva engineers will be on hand to join in the development, in addition to helping folks out with problems or offering tips. We hope to also have one or two collaborative projects pre-organized via the developer forum that we'll focus on during this time. It's going to take more than just code to get things done, so don't hesitate to bring interaction and design skills to the table as well.

We'll have drinks and snacks on hand, and pizza later for those staying later in the evening. We'll keep the doors open until the last person needs to leave. It should be an awesome time of social coding for the sake of helping the working poor.

See you there with your laptops and friends.

Official Website: http://build.kiva.org/

Added by skylar on April 29, 2009



Hey everyone! We want to coordinate some projects ahead of next Saturday. Anyone want to volunteer to coordinate a project? Have an idea of a project you'd like to see happen? We are collecting ideas here:
