barakhamba cp
New Delhi, Delhi

The celebrity DJ and musician behind hits like ‘Noorie’, ‘Chura Liya’ and ‘Tum Bin Jiya’, is making a rare performance

At Kitty Su, The LaLiT New Delhi
On Friday, 3rd February
From 10 pm onwards

Where the artist will be playing his chart topping hits and more...

Couple: INR 2000 (fully redeemable)
Male Stag: INR 2000 (fully redeemable)
Female Stag: INR 1000 (fully redeemable)

Table A (At the elevated section) : Price: 32000 net (Total online inventory 1 table, max people on table 15)

Table B (At the dance floor) : Price : 45000 net (Total online inventory 1 table, max people on table 15)

Book your tickets now:

Added by Riya Mathur on January 30, 2012

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