400 W. Livingston St
Orlando, Florida 32801

On April 28, 2009 you have the opportunity to come find out what made an IBM Leader say “If we all took the time to regularly step back and remember what Dr. Brown told us we would be unstoppable in the marketplace” after hearing Kill What’s Ugly While It’s Young at an IBM Leadership conference in April of last year.

Although management is sometimes no laughing matter, this program takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the art and science of critical management truths, such as:

-Kill what’s ugly while it’s young.
-Fear and pain, the ultimate project team motivators.
-Plagiarism equals profits.
-Brownnosing, the key to project management success

James T. Brown, Ph.D., President of SEBA® Solutions Inc. provides project management training and consulting for dozens of Fortune 500 companies nationally and internationally. He is well-known for his quick wit and straightforward communication style. (http://sebasolutions.com/testimonials.html)

His experience includes sixteen years of “hands-on” executive level, project manager, and team member roles at NASA. Dr. Brown is the author of The Handbook of Program Management published by McGraw Hill (http://ProgramManagementBook.com) which has been ranked as high as number 3 on Amazon’s list of Project Management Bestsellers.

Dr. Brown has received numerous awards for his project management contributions, including the NASA Public Service Medal, “Teacher of the Year” for Industrial Engineering at Florida A&M/Florida State University College of Engineering and "Engineer of the Year" from the Cape Canaveral Technical Societies. He also has a patent for a project scheduling methodology.

A licensed Professional Engineer (PE), a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), Dr. Brown earned his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Central Florida, a MS in Engineering Management from Florida Institute of Technology, and a BS in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee State University. Dr. Brown is a member of the Project Management Institute and the National Speakers Association.

Added by cfc_astd on April 24, 2009