605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Dave Fry is a wonderfully engaging family folk musician with decades of experience performing for kids and adults at festivals, clubs and schools throughout the East Coast. Dave is a CT Teaching Artist, NJ Master Artist, with award-winning children’s music CD’s and several national PBS-TV shows. Dave features banjo, guitar and mandolin and a bag of instruments to involve the whole family in making music together.

“This one man is more challenging than those fancy multi-media concerts. Soon the children are enthusiastically slurping like a dog to his cues, and popping up and down to be the next do-wop crew. The kids are charged. They bop out of the auditorium playing air guitar or humming, and urge the man to come back again.” Lehigh Valley Magazine

The concert will take place from 1-2. Then we’ll offer some supplies and instructions, and make buttons that you can take home with you. Kids love it!

Official Website: http://www.davefrymusic.com

Added by elesia_b on December 13, 2010

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