900 North Branch Street
Chicago, Illinois

The Kendall College School of Business will host “Walking the Talk: How to Live out the Values Your Business Professes,” a free workshop open to the public on Tuesday, July 31 at 6:00 p.m. The interactive workshop will cover the current state of ethics and value-based businesses. Kendall’s School of Business is hosting this event as part of its continued initiative to help both students and Chicagoland business professionals learn and hone new skills.
The workshop caters to a wide professional audience, from those who are just starting out in their careers to experienced managers and entrepreneurs who are tackling the challenges businesspeople face to move beyond buzz words to execute strategies that support moral values. Job-seekers and students will be eager to learn how to target companies whose values align with their own.

Added by cns1208 on July 13, 2012

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