540 Cornish Drive
Encinitas, California 92024

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 • 6:30pm
Kathi Diamant is an award-winning author, TV and radio
broadcaster, and adjunct professor at San Diego State University,
where she leads the Kafka Project, the official international search to
recover a lost treasure, the missing writings of literary genius Franz
Kafka. Her book, Kafka’s Last Love: The Mystery of Dora Diamant, is based on two decades
of research.
As Director of the Kafka Project at SDSU since 1998, Kathi has led the international effort to find the
last writings of Franz Kafka which were confiscated by the Gestapo in 1933. Her research is responsible
for recovering original Kafka letters, found, ironically, in San Diego. In 2012, she will follow up two
previous research trips, conducted in Berlin in 1998 and in Poland in 2008. kathidiamant.com

Added by Friends of the Encintias Library on March 30, 2011