1708 E. Broadway Ave
Long Beach, California 90802

Why is this open mic special? We get a budget to PAY the feature performers It's given by the venue out of respect For you and your craft.


This Friday open mic takes place from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. It's open to comedians, poets and musicians. And picks up again 8:35pm to 10:35pm. Sign up begins at 6:30pm.
@ the iCandy Cafe in Long Beach, CA.
1708 East Broadway
Long Beach, CA 90802
(562) 437-3785

From 8:00pm - 8:30pm we feature.


With this week's featured guests:

Headliner: Yvette The Funny Lady
Feature Comic: Courtney Ca
Musical Guest: Carol McArthur

With Emcee: Shayne Michael

At each show we will be giving away DVDs, prizes or gift certificates. Occasionally we give away all three, and very possibly copies of the amazing trade magazine resource: The Comic Bible.


It depends on the number of sign ups. As a general rule you will get at least 5 minutes if you're not on the Facebook guest list. You will get at least six minutes if you are.

The half hour booked portion of this show is chosen on talent alone,
never how many people they can bring. Because good perfomers
bring audience members back.


Next week's featured guests will include musician Lon Milo DuQuette, feature comic Joe Fitzgerald and headliner Paul Goebel. See More

Added by quietcomic on July 31, 2011

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