913 E Cesar Chavez
Austin, Texas 78702

My drawings are usually fragments of narratives, bungled chunks of autobiography, and attempts at visual humor; a running blooper reel on the special features DVD of a missing film.

I seek to fix an image to the uncanny moments in garden-variety life that leave an inexplicably emotional trace on the retina and the memory. I employ a certain clumsiness with media and let images suggest each other rather than conceiving a project outright.

This way I hope spontaneity and change to be evident in my work while still creating strong images - In other words, I don't have any snappy answers, but I have a lot of stupid questions and my artwork is a storage system for them.

The drawings for this summer show are headed down the road for "Fun" and they will probably get lost along the way, and get into some adventures. Detours are always more fun than Fun anyway.

Official Website: http://www.domystore.com/austin/atx_invites/justingoldwater.html

Added by salvo cheque on July 15, 2008