1300 Bingham Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203

A world premiere presented by Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble. This one-of-a-kind organization presents new music in a way you won't encounter anywhere else. If you think you don't like modern music, or if you're bored with the "same-old same-old" concert routine, you'll find something at PNME to entice and inspire you.

Just Out of Reach Synopsis: Tantalus, Narcissus, and Sisyphus angered the gods. As punishment, they were sent to the underworld and bound to endless torments – each devised to fit the particular offense. After a long internment, they are visited by the gods who have come with an offer: continue their eternal
struggles, or choose to end them by committing suicide. The offer is refused. Bewildered, the gods question Tantalus, Sisyphus, and Narcissus,
suspecting that the long tortures may have driven them insane. What is revealed is both shocking and beautiful.

Artistic Director Kevin Noe says that the production sometimes feels like a musical, sometimes like a play with music, sometimes like a concert with narration. He promises it is like nothing you've ever seen.

PNME is taking this production on to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. See it in Pittsburgh first! First-time attendees get in FREE! Call the City Theatre box office (412.431.CITY) to reserve tickets in advance and avoid a $5 at-the-door service charge. Two nights only - Friday and Saturday at 8 pm.

Official Website: http://www.pnme.org/season.html

Added by t.wilhelm on July 21, 2008

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