Wilmington | DE | USA
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Overview : This workshop will start at the beginning - how healthcare in the U.S. evolved. It will go back to the 1920's when there was hardly any healthcare system. An overview of how & why the Blue Cross & Blue Shield system was created. History of commercial insurance companies role in healthcare will be reviewed. The primary reason and cause for the creation of Medicare & Medicaid will be discussed. Participants will gain a better understand of US healthcare by knowing the history of how we have come to deliver healthcare in the US today - and why it has become an employer responsibility.

The webinar will review the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and what employers are obligated to do under this new legislation. The discussion will begin reviewing the timeline of implementation of the Act, starting with 2010 up to 2015. Key points will be covered such as the definition of "applicable large employer", and how "seasonal workers" are treated under the Act. "Minimum essential coverage" and "eligible employer-sponsored plans" will be discussed as it relates to "excise tax penalties". Individuals will be responsible for ensuring that they and any dependent are covered under the minimum essential coverage. The definition of this coverage and the scope of who is required and which individuals are exceptions from this mandate will be discussed. What reporting requirements will be mandated for employers who sponsor health benefits will be reviewed as well.

Why should you attend: It is estimated that 45.7 million Americans are without health insurance. Or put another way, about 16% of Americans often have to forego healthcare because of the cost. Most agree our healthcare system is in critical condition needs some sort of reform.

The burden of providing healthcare coverage has fallen primarily on employers and the ground is quickly shifting with recent legislative changes and court challenges. All this leaves employers feeling vulnerable about what their risk, cost and obligation is regarding healthcare insurance.

Areas Covered in the Session:
History of healthcare in the U.S.
Overview of healthcare reform
Timeline of implementation
Employer obligations and penalties

Who Will Benefit:
Benefit Managers
Human Resources

Kathy Coughlin is co-founder and president of Team HR, a consulting firm specializing in providing solutions to organizations’ human resources challenges. Ms. Coughlin has over twenty-five years of human resources management experience and has held positions of VP Human Resources and Director of Human Resources for med size organizations of 400 employees to large organizations of over 3000 employees.

After starting her career in human resources as a Recruiter & Trainer, she progressed to Human Resources Manager, Assistant Human Resources Officer, Director of Human Resources and VP of Human Resources. Except for her initial assignment, all of her positions have been responsible for the broad spectrum of human resource generalist.

Official Website: http://bit.ly/PN4yG7

Added by Russel Stuart on November 7, 2012

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