150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, New York 12572-3252

Scared to Take the Leap?

Best-Selling Author and Harvard Trained Attorney, Tama J. Kieves, Shares Her Secrets
for Unblocking Your True Talent, and Finding the Courage to Believe in Your Dreams
and Step into Your True Calling in Upcoming Omega Workshop

Denver, CO, June 8, 2008 - Who hasn’t wondered what it would be like to do what we’re meant to do… write a book, sing for fun or profit, design furniture, start a greeting card business? If you’ve ever had the sense that you have a creative calling or restlessness, but you don’t know how to do what you came here to do, Tama J. Kieves’ workshop, Jumpstart Your Creative Life! Reclaiming the Power of Inspiration is for you. Tama’s breakthrough and proven program will help you blast through limiting fears and live the life you’re meant to live.

“I created this program to give others the experience of living their passion, with abundance on every level, and the tools to make it last. Participants have said that this program helped them to believe in themselves and their dreams more than they ever thought possible.” says Kieves. “I want those that attend my workshop to know an inspired life of extravagant joy and no regrets.”

Jumpstart Your Creative Life! Reclaiming the Power of Inspiration is packed with hands-on, exercises. Participants will learn how to *set free unstoppable strength *name and claim their true creative direction *turn roadblocks into launch pads* release fears and ignite determination* and stay true to their vision over time. Whether you’re a weekend dabbler, a blocked beginner, or a professional artist who wants to soar to the next level, this weekend promises to help you open the floodgates of your creativity and create the life you desire.

Tama J. Kieves is a leading creativity coach and best-selling author of THIS TIME I DANCE! Creating the Work You Love, http://www.awakeningartistry.com/thistime.html. A Harvard-trained corporate lawyer, turned writer and international teaching catalyst, Tama reveals her own journey of choosing her creative desires over societal conditioning and risking everything, while sharing pivotal strategies she’s used to help thousands world-wide to discover and live their own wildest dreams. She creates an environment of synergy, support and passionate world-class mentoring.

Jumpstart Your Creative Life! Reclaiming the Power of Inspiration with be held July 13-15, 2007 at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. The Omega Institute is the nation’s premier center for holistic studies offering workshops and retreats at a spectacular facility of walking trails, woods and lakes. For information, please visit http://www.eomega.org/omega/workshops/1da86a5729075a2bc2e0c662a7b64efe/ or contact Tama J. Kieves at (303) 715-0939 / or [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.eomega.org/omega/workshops/1da86a5729075a2bc2e0c662a7b64efe/

Added by tamajkieves on June 11, 2007

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