Hc 59 Hwy. 154
Santa Barbara, California 93105

Kids, join a Santa Barbara County Park Naturalist to learn about Cachuma Lake wildlife and earn a cool Junior Ranger badge. Parents you're invited to participate with your kids. Children under the age of ten must be accompanied by an adult. Learn about nature, wildlife, and the environment, and earn a cool patch! Ages 3 to 6 may earn an Acorn Woodpecker patch; 7 to 9, a Great Blue Heron patch; 10-11, a Mountain Lion patch; 12 and older, a Bald Eagle patch. Junior Rangers have a special responsibility to take action in their environment and to set an example for others. Junior Rangers can earn their patches by picking up litter from park grounds, and by participating in activities led by a park naturalist at the Cachuma Lake Nature Center. Your first assignment is to bring to the Nature Center on Saturday at 12:30, a bag of trash or recycling you have picked up around the campground. The Junior Ranger Program runs year-round on Saturdays from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. Meet at the Nature Center. Call 688-4515 for more information. Fees: $2 per child plus $8 vehicle Park Admission.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 6, 2011