320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

If you are over 55 or a care giver for a senior, there are financial, social and independence issues to consider.

Join Brisa Oldfather of Abrio Care, Wednesday, February 23 at 6pm at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace, where you can get tips on how to live independently in your home and learn about social security, Medicare and Medicaid. Ms.Oldfather will also speak about related health issues, chronic disease management, Living Wills and other advance directives, family support and care giving.

As a “baby boomer,” this timely talk can give you the information you need to create the best “older” years for you and your loved ones.

Click on our logo for our sales flyer at KNAU.ORG

New Frontiers: We’re all about Your quality of life!

Added by priyadrews on January 27, 2011

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