4411 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006

Wade Wilson Art is pleased to announce an exhibit of new and recent paintings by the artist Joseph Cohen titled, Fatto in Italia. The exhibit opens with a reception for the artist from 6 - 8 p.m. on Friday, January 6, 2012 and will remain on view through January 25, 2012. Wade Wilson Art is located at 4411 Montrose Blvd. Suite 200, Houston, Texas, 77006.
***** Cohen just returned from a sojourn to Southern Italy for several months where he was artist in residence. The resulting work from this time reflects his continued investigations of what the artist refers to as, “Form (both architectural and planar); of Temperature; of Chroma (in relation to the “aboutness” of how medium exists); Physicality (in relation to the “aboutness” of how the medium exists); Culture (art history and culture of place in relation to another place i.e. as in ‘cross cultural’).

Official Website: http://www.wadewilsonart.com/

Added by Juice Consulting on January 3, 2012

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