2001 Farnam St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – May 31 – June 16, 2013
Thurs. & Fri. at 7pm; Sat. & Sun. at 2pm.
The favorite Biblical story of Joseph and his “Coat of Many Colors” comes to vibrant musical life in Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s now-classic musical! Joseph, a boy with prophetic dreams, experiences a difficult and inspiring journey when he is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and eventually becomes a revered leader of Egypt. Featuring a delightful range of song styles, this timeless tale of family and faith offers a moving musical event for the whole family! Best for ages 5 and older.

Official Website: http://www.rosetheater.org

Added by The Rose on October 8, 2012

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