605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

The Jolly Beggars bring the rich tradition of Celtic folk music and storytelling to modern day audiences. Based out of Hartford, CT, their traditional songs and musical arrangements have exposed many to the joys of Celtic music. They tell traditional stories from Irish folklore and intersperse their musical arrangements with traditional reels and jigs. Characterized by their tight harmonies and use of guitars, mandolin, tin whistles, octave mandolin, mandola, tenor banjo, double bass, bodhran, spoons, and more, The Jolly Beggars have quickly built a solid following and continue to spread their music around the east coast. They spent the summer of 2011 touring the east coast and playing shows from Maine to North Carolina. All of the members of the band have studied music extensively throughout their schooling and five members of the band teach music part- and full-time around Connecticut. Please Visit: http://www.thejollybeggarsmusic.com/

Added by thebuttonwoodtree on June 14, 2012

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