476 US Rt 7
Rutland, Vermont

Do you want to know more about building a green home? Do you have questions about costs and options? Get advice from industry professionals at a Free Seminar on Building a Green Home, where you can learn about topics such as:

Energy Efficient Home Design
Building a home with Structural Insulated Panels
Timber Framing and Post and Beam Homes
Geothermal and Solar Energy Systems

We have assembled a group of industry experts to present short seminar topics on energy efficient home design, materials, and construction. Youll walk away with specific details on how to get started designing a custom green home, energy efficient Structural Insulated Panels, timber framing, geothermal and solar energy systems, and more!

To see the proposed Itinerary and to register for the seminar, contact Bonin Architects & Associates at 603-504-6009 or visit www.boninarchitects.com.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of simon132.

Official Website: http://www.boninarchitects.com

Added by itusa_gold on December 11, 2008

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