4608 Westheimer
Houston, Texas 77027

Jazz it up at Sullivan’s Steakhouse. Sullivan’s is one of Houston’s favorite Steak Houses! It is famous for its fabulous nightlife, live music and mouth watering steaks. This will be a great dinner and an even better chance to meet someone special! Houston singles will relax for dinner after a short introduction by our hosts, and with an intimate and cozy setting, conversation is easy. Ages: 20's & 30's Members: $56; Non-Members: $66 6:30 - 9:00PM
Sullivan’s Steak House is located at 4608 Westheimer just inside the loop. RSVP to 281 -870-0827 or www.EightFriendsOut.com

Official Website: http://www.EightFriendsOut.com

Added by calico on October 14, 2008

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