5377 N College Ave
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

In the digitally-driven 21st century, the landscape of American popular music exists in a constant state of metamorphosis. At any given moment, the lines between jazz, R&B, soul, funk, pop, hip-hop and countless other styles can become indistinguishable, and sometimes disappear altogether. Singer/pianist Joe McBride, an innovator since his first recordings in the early !90s, understands this phenomenon on a first-hand level. And like any versatile artist who's in it for the long haul, he's learned to not only roll with the changes, but actively seek them out and explore their maximum artistic potential.

Official Website: http://www.songkick.com/concerts/12861653-joe-mcbride-at-jazz-kitchen?utm_source=1126&utm_medium=partner

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 8, 2012