201 State St
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

Jitro, one of the best children's choirs in the world, has been charming audiences on several continents for 35 years with a rare combination of youthful energy and vocal mastery. Jitro is the Czech word for "daybreak," a time that holds promise for moments of beauty and inspiration to come. That's the spirit in which Jitro performs. Based in the Czech town of Hradec Kralove, Jitro is actually an organization of some 500 children in seven preparatory ensembles. Each year 25 to 30 of the most talented are selected to tour the world. "Combine [their] luminous sound with a superb conductor, responsive singers and interesting repertoire ... and you have Jitro," writes the San Antonio Express News.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 2, 2008