800 Rio Grande Blvd
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104

The Four Noble Truths are the distilled essence of Buddhist teaching. In this retreat, presenters James Finley and Fr. Richard Rohr will introduce and explore each of the Four Noble Truths, with emphasis given to their presence at the heart of Jesus’ call to awaken to God’s presence in every detail of our daily lives.
The teachings of both Jesus and Buddha call us to transformational honesty. They are both teaching us how to see, and how to see all the way through! They both knew that if you see God for yourself, you will see the Divine in all things.
Buddha: "I am awake;" Jesus: "Stay awake."

For more information and registration ($200), contact the Center for Action and Contemplation at (505) 242-9588, or http://www.cacradicalgrace.org/conferences/JB/

Official Website: http://www.cacradicalgrace.org/conferences/JB/

Added by pixie67 on December 21, 2007

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