645 Tremont St
Boston, Massachusetts 02118

An exhibition of new works by Jeff Sweat.

Opening reception is May 7 at 6 pm.

Click here or here to see work from Threats and Ultimatums.

Jeff Sweat was born in 1972 in Ipswich, England. His primary mediums
are screen-printing, solvent transfer, graffiti, and plastisol. He
has painted on everything from surfboards to refrigerator doors,
projection screens, plexiglass, leather purses, motorcycle helmets,
and even skateboards. His commissions include paintings for Puma's
2004 fashion launch and for a Transcontinental Records music video.
He has exhibited in London, New York, and Tokyo, and his most recent
show was at sQuareOne in Fort Point, Boston. After three years living
in Boston, Jeff has taken a detour to warmer climes and is currently
working with motion graphics and video projects. He resides in
Orlando, FL with his dog Bob.

Added by milkshop on April 28, 2007

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