212 3rd Ave N, Suite 485
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Based on some recent discussions, our topic will be the Pixel Bender Toolkit. No one in the group has really used the toolkit so it’s going to be an exploratory code jam.

CT Young and Tom Anderson have graciously volunteered to provide a simple example to get us going. We’ll use this example as a starting point for the code jam. From there, you’ll be able to use the Toolkit documentation (and each other) to experiment with some possibilities.

Prior to the meeting, please download and install the Pixel Bender Toolkit: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/pixelbender.html

Also, here are a couple helpful videos to get you started:

Added by dpatterson on January 6, 2009



I was going to be there but unfortunately am scheduled for a meeting that night. Dang! I am very interested to see how PB works with audio.
Have fun.


Depending on road conditions and how much work I can get done between now and tomorrow night, I may (hopefully) make it!