15 Farm Springs Road
Farmington, Connecticut 06032

Reserve your seat TODAY! for "The Secret of Attracting The Life You Want" with James Ray, NY Times Bestselling Author and teacher from the film, "The Secret".

James Ray will be in Connecticut to teach the principles of "Harmonic Wealth" during this unique 2-hour FREE event. Save the date, reserve your seat and watch the impossible become possible in your life!
Seats are filling up fast, reserve yours today at:

You saw him in the film "The Secret", now experience him LIVE in Connecticut.

After attending "The Secret of Attracting The Life You Want" event you will walk away with:

-- A specific plan to achieve exactly what you want out of life (every single time) using quantum physics strategies as discussed in the movies "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and "The Secret"...

-- A deep understanding of how you've created the life you have... and how to easily change it into the life you truly want...

-- The knowledge of exactly why you may be struggling to succeed while others seem to do it so easily... and what you need to do different to dramatically improve your results...

-- Tools to vanquish stress and fear, increase your energy level and remove unconscious self-imposed limitations...

-- Four new scientific breakthroughs that will change every single result in your life...

-- A special gift from James available only at "The Secret of Attracting The Life You Want" event!

Visit http://www.FreeYourMindEvents.com to register your seat NOW! These events are always full so ACT FAST!

If you find the content of this event beneficial for friends, family, or clients, please feel free to spread the word to anyone who would enjoy attending this life changing event! Let them know they can reserve their FREE seat at http://www.FreeYourMindEvents.com

Official Website: http://www.FreeYourMindEvents.com

Added by Visionality on December 30, 2008