Houston, Texas

“Throwing money” at our employees seems to be an easy fix to getting them to actually perform effectively. But as you will see in this webinar, money is NOT always the answer to this method of reward. People are motivated by so many different other areas such as, time off to be with a family member, shifting workloads or work hours, or customizing their responsibilities to “fit their talents and skills”, which today is the most valuable way for your teammates. Understanding that “what you spend money on” should equal the “ROI” for BOTH the employee and the company is the key!

Join us on October 5th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to stop throwing money out the window on failed reward programs!

> > Register Now! >>

Who Should Attend:
Owners, Regional Managers, Managers, Assistant Managers, Leasing Consultants and Maintenance

About Jackie Ramstedt:
Jackie Ramstedt is a nationally renowned Keynote Speaker, Performance Consultant, and CMO Chief Motivational Officer for Ramstedt Enterprises, Inc. based in Austin, Texas. With more than 25 years experience in the multi-housing industry, Jackie has spoken to thousands of industry professionals on a national level for the National Apartment Association, the Multi Housing World Conference, Multifamily Pro Annual Brainstorming, the Institute of Real Estate Management and numerous state and local Associations.

This webinar would not be possible without the support of our sponsor, Purqz! Purqz, the world's largest discounts network, provides you with an easy, creative marketing solution to attract new residents, increase retention rates, and promote your property.

Official Website:

Added by Felicia Norman on September 14, 2011

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