12800 Abrams Road
Dallas, Texas 75243

The IYF World Culture Exposition Dallas is an event where different countries will be showcased through booths and performances. This year the theme will be “Explore the World.” We hope to bring about cultural awareness through visual and performing arts, ethnic food, and other activities. Free admission. We expect everyone in the Dallas area to come and participate in this event.

What is IYF?

The IYF stands for International Youth Fellowship. It is a non-profit, global youth organization that cultivates leaders of tomorrow. Our goal is to develop leaders of the next generation who possess humility, strong leadership, and mutual understanding through global fellowship. Since its establishment in 1995, the IYF has grown and is now active in more than 80 countries.
Find out more at http://iyf.org

Added by johnsun on August 10, 2010



If you want to enjoy our live performances, please come at 11:00am and 2:00pm.

Also, we will prepare snacks from different countries for you! So bring your friends and enjoy! ^_^

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