1125 North McCadden Place
Los Angeles, California 90038

Opening reception: Thursday, Sept 10, 7-9 p.m.
Admission to reception and the Galleries: FREE
Located at The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
1125 N. McCadden Place, Hollywood 90038

Ivy Bottini is one of the undisputed heroes of the long struggle for equality and justice for women and the LGBT community. Ms. Bottini is also an acclaimed artist who began her creative work more than 55 years ago. We are honored to present a retrospective of Ms. Bottini’s painting, drawings and sketches, A Life in Art: 1960-2009, covering the entire sweep of her career from her days in the closet through her years of activism.
The exhibit will show a large number of Bottini’s works, divided into her pre- and post-coming out periods. It is a rare opportunity to experience the progression of a life that is both personal and public and that has spanned the great social movements of the last 55 years.
For more information about Ms. Bottini’s art work, please log onto www.ivybottini.com.

Added by Lily Tomlin/Jane Wagner Cultural on August 20, 2009