Rose St & E Euclid Ave
Lexington, Kentucky 40508

Undeniably the reigning virtuoso of the violin, Perlman enjoys superstar status rarely afforded a classical musician. In January 2009, Perlman was honored to take part in the Inauguration of President Barack Obama, premiering a piece written for the occasion by John Williams and performing with clarinetist Anthony McGill, pianist Gabriela Montero, and cellist Yo-Yo Ma. President Reagan granted him a "Medal of Honor" and President Clinton awarded him the "National Medal of the Arts". Perlman performs as a conductor with leading orchestras such as the Berlin Philharmonic, the London Philharmonic, the Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic, the Chicago Symphony and the New York Philharmonic. He proudly possesses four Emmy awards and fifteen Grammy awards. Perlman devotes considerable time to education, both in his participation each summer in the Perlman Music Program and his teaching at the Juilliard School, where he holds the Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation Chair.

Official Website:

Added by summer_gossett on August 24, 2010


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