EYP Networking Evening
March 14, 2007, 7.00pm
Pangaea, Mayfair, London
The European Young Professionals (EYP) London would like to invite you to Pangaea, Mayfair, for a featured evening lead by Andy Lopata, one of UK’s foremost authors and speaker on Strategic Business Networking.
In December 1984, New York Times asked their readers what their greatest fears were, and death came third! The most frightening was finding themselves in a room full of strangers. Over twenty years later, this fear must be confronted by business people looking to make the most out of networking, whether for career or business development.
During this EYP featured evening Andy Lopata will give you tried, tested and proven tips and techniques! Andy Lopata’s interactive presentation will take place between 7.30pm and 8.30pm so make sure to be there.
Join the EYP London for an exclusive evening experience at exclusive Pangaea. There will be a few complimentary drinks for each early arrival and with the opportunity to meet young professionals from 45 countries and generate potential business leads this is an event that you cannot afford to miss.
This event is strictly via registration only and numbers are limited
You can find information about the event and venue details on the EYP website (www.eyplondon.org). To register for the event please visit The EYP London website where you can join us and sign up to the event free of charge thanks to our generous sponsors.
Dress code: Smart casual
Official Website: http://www.eyplondon.org
Added by Nick.Jonsson on March 6, 2007