Toa Payoh HDB Hub
Singapore, Central Singapore

It’s A Date!
For University & Polytechnic Students

Get the Guy / Get the Girl: The Power of Knowing What the Other Person Is Really Thinking

Want to know how you can find and keep the right guy/girl? Come hear the latest groundbreaking research and tips by Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn, popular speakers and best-selling authors from the United States about how the opposite sex thinks & discover truths about the opposite sex that can help you get and keep the right person for life. This workshop is organised by SDU-SDS.

Topics include:
• Common misunderstandings about the opposite gender
• What a guy is looking for in a girl and what the girl needs from a guy
• What is a real turn off for the guy/girl
• Surprising truths that will help you find and keep the right guy/girl

Register online at TODAY!

For more information, please call Alice at 6325 6040 or email [email protected]

Official Website:

Added by Olive123 on August 6, 2009

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