756 Jarvis Lane
Hollister, California

Does your dog love to run, jump & Swim???
DogGone Dirty Dock Diving facility and Splash Dogs are pleased to present the Splash Dogs “Halloween Splash” Dock Jumping Competition October 30 - 31! All water loving dogs and their owners are invited to join us for a weekend long competition in the high flying canine sport of dock jumping!

How far and high can your dog fly?! Dog/Handler teams will compete in distance and height competitions, a costume contest and a BBQ being hosted by the Natividad 4-H Club on both Saturday and SUnday. Proceeds going to Relay for Life! On Sunday afternoon, the top 24 dog/handler teams will return to see who will be the TOP dog of the Halloween Splash!

Splash Dogs is fun for the whole family! Kids 6 yrs and up can compete along side their parents and the family dog! Do you have a Big Air dog in a smaller package! Splash Dogs has a division just for the Lap Dogs! Splash Dogs is fun for everyone!

For more information visit Splash Dogs at www.splashdogs.com

Added by sassygirl2171 on October 20, 2010



It's going to be one Howling good time (ok, that was cheesy, lol)

Please help support Natividad 4-H in our fight against cancer, and purchase your food from our lunch tent. Again, 100% of the proceeds go to thr Relay For Life. We have several members, alumni members, and families that have been affected by cancer, and have been actively raising funds for over a decade.

Thank you,
Donald and Pearl