67 E. Algonquin Road
South Barrington, Illinois 60102

We invite you — and those you’d like to bring along — to join us for a day on the spiritual formation journey. Enjoy a morning retreat of intentional formation experiences followed by dynamic breakout sessions of in-depth teaching and discussion. Meet others in the Midwest who are walking the path of spiritual formation in unity and community of heart.
Invite08 information

8:30 a.m. Registration/Check-in Opens

9 a.m.-12 p.m. Worship with Brian Hogan & Morning Retreat, with Doug & Marilyn Stewart

12-1 p.m. Lunch provided (see details below)

1-2:30 p.m. Afternoon breakout session options:

* Soul of the Leader, Bob Fryling, Publisher, InterVarsity Press
* The Beatitudes-Mandates of a Transformed Life, Nancy Kane, Assoc. Professor, Moody Bible Institute
* Building Spiritual Friendships, Valerie Head and Mark Evans, Soul Care Team
* Leading for Spiritual Formation, Mindy Caliguire, President, Soul Care
* Spiritual Community and Family, Dan Lovaglia, Spiritual Growth and Development, Willow Creek Community Church
* Leading for Spiritual Formation in the Suburbs, Al Hsu, InterVarsity Press and author, Suburban Christianity
* Spiritual Formation and Emerging Culture, Tara Rumler, Student Ministry Group Life, Willow Creek McHenry County and Shane Farmer, Student Impact Director, Willow Creek Community Church

2:30-3 p.m. Afternoon break

3-4 p.m. Closing Session


The Midwest is blessed with organic leadership in the field of spiritual formation.

Meet the Presentation Team

Our morning retreat will be facilitated by:

Doug & Marilyn Stewart www.intervarsity.org Doug and Marilyn Stewart have been in ministry for 43 years. They served 16 years in the US with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and 27 years in Latin America with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Their focus for many years was the pioneering and development of student witness in universities in the US and in Latin America. For the last 20 years they have focused on the pastoral care and spiritual formation of staff workers with the IFES and IVCF. Currently their work is in the area of spiritual formation for IV staff and others. The Stewarts make their home in Wheaton, IL, and are “empty nesters” who enjoy active membership at Church of the Savior in West Chicago, IL.


A pizza and softdrink lunch will be provided as part of your registration fee. If this does not work with your dietary restrictions, we invite you to bring a sack lunch. Snacks will also be provided throughout the day.

Official Website: http://invite08.eventbrite.com

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