1037 Park St.
Jacksonville, Florida 32204

When night falls in Northern Uganda something unbelievable happens: thousands of children cluster together in basements, back alleys and verandas. Each night the youngsters flee the brutal recruitment tactics of the elusive Lords Resistance Army, rebels who routinely beat and brainwash children into fighting their 18-year crusade against the government in Kampala.

Invisible Children is the story of three American friends who set out to capture insights into the Sudan genocide and unwittingly find their way into the cramped hallways and crowded auditoriums of northern Ugandan towns.

The film-makers are three twenty-something young men from Southern California who decided to use their talents to change the world. "The children of Northern Uganda are being killed and brutalized, and the fascinating thing to us is that no one is telling this story," said Jason Russell (26), the guiding force behind "Invisible Children. This tragedy gets no international attention at all. We are going to change that" said Russell in a recent interview with the San Diego Union Tribune.

Russell and fellow filmmakers Bobby Bailey (22) and Laren Poole (21) are out to raise awareness and money at screenings across the country. They are seeking support for their return trip to Uganda where they and a volunteer team of young people will shoot footage to complete the film in time for a 2006 theatrical release. While in Uganda they will also build relationships necessary to carry out their dream: construction of a safe community where orphans and children can learn and grow in peace.

For More Information about the film or to host your own Invisible Children screening event, visit InvisibleChildren.com

review by:lhtorres - http://www.tagstudio.net/devarts/user/1?PHPSESSID=9948cf30f94a65511701c3e517c891bb

Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of pally.

Added by Pally on April 3, 2006

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