222 E. Eleven Mile Rd.
Royal Oak, Michigan 48067

Join us May 14th for this free educational seminar on Alternative Investments and the diversified portfolio they can offer for your IRA. Examples of alternative investments are Real Estate, Private Companies, Promissory Notes, Precious Metals, Private Stocks, Tax Liens and much more. A Self Directed IRA lets you take full control of your retirement future with limitless options.
Most people do not realize that funds currently held in your IRA can invest in items other than publicly traded stocks, bonds & mutual funds, but with a Self Directed IRA you can.
Join us free for this informational evening about putting you back in control of your retirement. Speakers scheduled in the field of Real Estate to review current market conditions, Accounting to answer any questions regarding tax implications and a Self Directed IRA Administrator to explain the full aspect of alternative investments and your IRA. This is purely a educational seminar with no pressure or commitment to any of the speakers present.

Call today to reserve a seat or email:
(231) 499-5857 [email protected]

Hosted by: The Navigational Group, LLC.
*The Navigational Group, LLC. neither promotes nor endorses any investment choices. Our role is only to act as the administrator for your IRA, allowing you full control of your investment future.

Added by The Navigational Group on April 18, 2013