Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Overview : This program will provide an overview of the National Labor Relations Act, providing insight into employee rights and pitfalls to be avoided by employers. We will discuss how unions organize, the impact of unionization on a business, the rights of workers to act concertedly without a union, and similar matters.

Why should you attend: Unionization in the private sector has contracted significantly over the last several decades, though it has remained reasonably widespread in the public sector. Unions have been facing hard times with the move of some states to curtail the bargaining rights of state employee. Unions in the private sector are looking for new ways to grow and strengthen their bargaining power.

For most employers, unionization is a real threat to be avoided. This webinar will discuss how the NLRA works, the nature of workers’ rights, how unions organize, and things employers can do to lawfully remain free of unionization.

Areas Covered in the Session:
How the NLRA works
How unions organize employees
Ways to avoid unionization
Rights of employees to engage in lawful concerted activities
Limitations imposed on employers

Who Will Benefit:
HR Directors
Persons administering COBRA benefits
Personnel involved in labor and employment matters

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on February 11, 2013

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