404 Shakespeare St, Morrisville (North Carolina),U.S - 27560
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560

A FREE overview of what SugarCRM can do for your organization. This live instructor-led training opportunity is a introductory look at SugarCRM features and functionality. This will be a SugarCRM 101 perspective for prospective users who need basic questions answered. The course will enable you to understand what SugarCRM can do for your organization and how certain features and functionality will impact your business.

The training will be held again on 2nd March 2010, 8th March 2010, 15th March 2010 and 22nd March 2010.

Official Website: http://www.osscube.com/training/sugarcrm/introduction-sugarcrm

Added by Kinshuk.Sunil on February 10, 2010

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