6675 Westwood Boulevard Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

This Course is geared toward the beginner. No previous Lightwave experience necessary. Basic knowledge of the computer platform (win95, NT, Mac...) on which the course is being taught is required. The class consists of both lecture and lab time. A hands on approach is the best way to learn.
What is 3D animation
Where and how is it used today
Differences in Platforms
Concepts and Terminology
Basic concepts such as key framing and modeling
Discuss the three axis and their relationship to the interface
Introduction to the Modeler and Layout interface and how they interact
File management and the Content Directory
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Navigation of the interface
Views, Menus and pull downs
Setting up Modeler
Options Panel - Undo Limit, Patch Division
Display Panel - Preview Type, Default unit, Grid Snap
Setting up keyboard shortcuts - numeric keypad
Basics of 3D geometry, primitive objects, polygons, points and surface normals
Loading objects
Creating simple objects - primitives, pivot point, segmenting objects and why
Working with the Modeler views
Selection and de-selection of points and polygons
Manipulating simple objects (Modification Tools) move, rotate, size and stretch
Introduction to Sub-Patches
Modification Tools - subdivide, dragnet, aligner, bend, taper, etc.
Spline Tools introduction - pen, bezier, points, make curve, etc.
Muliplication Tools - array, bevel, extrude, smooth shift, boolean
Basic surfacing within Modeler
Using Modelers Layers
Saving your work
Navigation of the Interface
Working in VPR
The Render Panel - Display options, raytracing options
The Camera Panel - resolution, anti-aliasing, segment memory
The Options Panel
The Scene Panel - How objects are displayed
Loading and manipulating objects
Key Frame animation concepts
How to create and save an animation
Graph Editor - function curve manipulation and timing
Basic Lighting Concepts - types, shadows, volume effects, Viper
Surface Editor - bitmaps, procedurals, alphas, displacement
In the course of the class we will be creating projects that cover many basic 3D animation concepts as well as understanding how LightWave's two interfaces work together.
Logo Project
In Modeler, using the Text tool (or Illustrator Import), students create a simple, text-based logo. Parenting, Pivot points, Null objects, File management, and Displacement maps and mesh deformations. Basic modeling techniques and pit falls are discussed over the course of the project.
Surfacing & Lighting Project
Construct, surface and light various objects. Through lighting and surfacing a simple scene, the surface and lighting panels are explored. Procedural and gradient textures as well as image mapping and enveloping will be discussed as well as linear, area, point, spot and volumetric lighting, 3 point lighting and shadowing.
Bones Project
Bones and Skelegons will be introduced and discussed. Simple deformations will be shown on a hand model that students will build. Weight maps will also be discussed.

Official Website: http://fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?z=3D+Animation+%26+Design&v=NewTek&g=LightWave+3D&i=42

Added by Fmc-Orlando on November 1, 2011

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