559 College Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94306

Introduced by the Austrian philosopher, scientist, and mystic Rudolf Steiner in 1925, this early form of holistic gardening is practiced worldwide today by growing numbers. Participants will be given an introduction to the philosophical background of Biodynamics. You will be taken through the basic techniques. A description of the eight unique herbal preparations used will be given, along with ideas on how to work with cosmological rhythms in the garden. Additionally, participants will be taken through a step-by-step explanation of one of the preparations that will help demonstrate how Biodynamic Agriculture is based on an exacting science, not in the way formulas are precise, but in the way poems are. Learn how to integrate biodynamic practices into your current gardening methods.
See Del's bio in the Using Native Plants in the Garden class description.

Saturday, November 20, 2010
10:30 - 12:00
To register call 650-493-6072 or http://introductiontobiodynamic.eventbrite.com/

Official Website: http://www.commongroundinpaloalto.org/upcomingclasses.htm

Added by paris_apostolopoulos on November 8, 2010